The Lawyer’s Guide: eDiscovery and Ethics 

· May 17, 2023
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Today, the world is powered by information and electronic devices, and accordingly, data retrieval has become an essential aspect of litigation. Yet, as eDiscovery has become more prominent, many attorneys still have questions about it how it works, best practices, and ethical obligations. This knowledge, regardless of jurisdiction, will not only enable attorneys to better represent their clients, but it will also ensure that they understand and behave according to their ethical responsibilities as attorneys. By following these principles, attorneys can avoid ethical violations, ensure a fair and efficient discovery process, and ultimately achieve the best possible outcome for their clients. In fact, adherence to eDiscovery ethics and transparency can also help build trust and credibility with the court and opposing counsel, leading to better communication and the potential for making the process more streamlined and effective. 

In this CLE webinar, our expert panelists begin by giving an overview of eDiscovery, electronically stored information (ESI), and why they matter to the litigation process. Next, our speakers discuss the issues that can arise from eDiscovery, followed by the ethical obligations attorneys face in eDiscovery. Finally, our experts discuss the top tips to comply with these obligations and benefit from the eDiscovery process, as well as review of recent relevant case law. 

Topics covered in this webinar:    

  1. eDiscovery Explained 
  1. eDiscovery Challenges in a Litigation 
  1. Ethics for eDiscovery 
  1. Top eDiscovery Ethics Tips 
  1. Recent Case Law 


Daniel B. Garrie, Esq. – Founder, Law & Forensics; Neutral, JAMS; Faculty, Harvard
Mary Depaolo Haddad – Counsel, Fox Rothschild

Michael Geibelson – Managing Partner, Robins Kaplin
Thomas Vanaskie – Of Counsel, Stevens & Lee

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Course Certificate